Fundo Buraleo, Chaitén 1901.5 acres
Property Location: Río Correntoso Sector / Yelcho Lake / Chaitén / Lakes Region / Region X / Chile. Surface Area:…
Property Location: Río Correntoso Sector / Yelcho Lake / Chaitén / Lakes Region / Region X / Chile. Surface Area:…
Property Location: Raúl Marín Balmaceda / Comuna de Cisnes / Aysén Region / Region XI / Chile. Surface Area: 570…
Location: Vodudahue Sector, Hualaihué, Region Xa, North Patagonia, Chile. Surface: 1206 acres. Property Access: The property lies at the confluence…
Location: Rural Sector Las Playas - Palena Coast / Palena Community / Region Xa / Los Lagos / Chile. Surface…
Location: Santa Bárbara Sector / Community of Chaitén / Region X - Lakes Region / Chile Surface Area: 20. 3…
Property Location: Los Turbios Sector/ Chaitén Community / Region X, Los Lagos / Chile. Surface Area: 87.09 Hectáreas. Property Access:…
Property Location: Playa Maqui, Frutillar, X Region, CHILE. Surface Area: 12,000 M2. Property Access: Paved access route (Ruta Interlagos). Rural…
Property Location: Lake Espolón Sector / Futaleufú Community / Palena Province / Lakes Region / Chile. Surface Area: 116.40 Hectares…
Property Location: Noroeste Sector / Futaleufu Community / Los Lagos Region / Region X / Chile Surface Area: .5 hectares…
Property Location: Dinamarca River, Cisnes Sector, 20 kilometers west of the village of La Junta, Chile. Surface Area: 573.76 Hectares. (~1415…
Property Location: Las Escalas Sector/ Comuna de Futaleufu / Los Lagos Region / Region X / Chile. Surface Area: 106,…
Property Location: Auchemó Sector / Chaitén / Lakes Region / Region X / Chile. Surface Arra: 5.062,5 hectares. (~12509 acres)…