General Information
Property Location: Raúl Marín Balmaceda / Comuna de Cisnes / Aysén Region / Region XI / Chile.
Surface Area: 570 Hectares. (~1400 acres)
Property Access: By boat from the town of Raúl Marín Balmaceda (5 km / 15 minutes). As the aerodrome lies just of town, getting to the property is not difficult.
Property Location
Property Overview
- A small house of rustic design, well kept.
- Potable water (from nearby, pristine mountain stream)
- Maritime access from the shore of the property.
Additionally, the region itself is protected by many biodiversity conservation projects, like:
- Añihue Reserve (
- Reserva Natural Melimoyu ( )
- Pitipalena-Añihue Marine and Coastal Protected Area ( )
And a newly created national reserve for Blue Whales:
as well as the nearby National Park of Corcovado.
Real Estate Classification
Conservation / Tourism: Sea Kayaking, Fishing & Trekking / Vacation Property
Recreation Potential: The property has great potential for maritime associated tourism, like sea kayaking, sport fishing and bird and wildlife observation.
Conservation: Piti Palena Fjord is renowned for its countless places of incredible beauty, beaches, lakes, forests and a plentiful flora and fauna. As the real estate tract is not accessible by road it has suffered almost no development pressure and has managed to keep intact its native flora and fauna. Most of the property is covered by old-growth Valdivian rain forest right to its beaches. Located in the upper reaches of the property is a pristine lagoon and its coastal islands are home to a small colony of sea lions.
More Information: For more detailed information about this property or Sur Terra’s other properties for sale and professional real estate services, please contact us by telephone or use the contact form provided on this web-page.