The Sur Terras Real Estate Brokerage offers a wide range of professional services and advice for individuals and developers in Northern Patagonia, Chile.
Our Properties
Our Real Estate listings offer a wide selection of unique and spectacular properties in Chile’s Los Lagos (Region X) and Aysen (region XI) Regions. Visit our property portfolio page for more listings.
Featured Property
Fundo Vodudahue, Valle de Los Césares 1206 acres.
The Property is located in a central valley that was carved by a series of glaciers that flowed into the Golfo de Ancud. The property measures 1206 acres. The homestead includes plains and evergreen forest that include impressive stands of ancient alerce trees. It is surrounded by imposing granite cliffs and the mountain ranges with year-round “eternal” snows.
The southern boundary of the homestead is the Vodudahue River and to the East the Barceló River. Thus, the property is located at the confluence of the two rivers and offers incredible beauty and beaches of fine white sand.
Bajo los volcanes, junto a los ventisqueros, entre los grandes lagos,
el fragante, el silencioso, el enmarañado bosque chileno…
– Pablo Neruda
At Surterras Propiedades we recognize that buying and selling real estate requires a multi-disciplinary set of skills. Most of the time we attempt to incorporate such expertise in house, however due to the complexity and breadth of real estate transactions, this is not always possible. In the such cases we have strove surround ourselves with experts and professionals in our community who have a compatible mindset and dedication to work. On this page we list some our associates and allies.