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General Information

Property Location: Río Correntoso Sector / Yelcho Lake / Chaitén / Lakes Region / Region X / Chile.

Surface Area: 1901.5 acres (769.52 hectares)

Property Access:  Fundo Burlaeo  is accessible only by boat, across Lago Yelcho.  The property can be accessed by embarkation from Puerto Cárdenas, over Lago Yelcho to the Correntoso River  delta (12 km / 30 minutes). After debarking, you must walk along a foot-path or go by horseback along the Correntoso River, for a period of approximately 1:30 hour, to reach the entrance of the property.

Property Location

Property Overview

The Correntoso River Valley was settled nearly 50 years ago, when the primary means of accessing the interior of the Palena Province, then known as Continental Chiloe  was by ferryboat across the Yelcho Lake. When Chile’s great Southern Highway, the Carretera Austral, was constructed during the late 1970’s the connection across Lago Yelcho was no longer necessary and thus cutoff the Correntoso River Valley and its settlers from the rest of the region. Over the subsequent years, the valley was depopulated and almost forgotten about, becoming a settlement that was literally “lost in time”. Only in recent years has the Correntoso Valley, and all of its splendor been rediscovered. Due its towering granite walls, and spectacular scenery, we refer to it as the Yosemite of Chilean Patagonia.


  • Owner’s House
  • Refugio – Small guest cabin
  • Barn and corals for livestock
  • Trail Network: Foot trails have been constructed inside the property to carry out adventure tourism.
  • Fruit orchard.
  • Turbine to generate electricity.

Real Estate Classification

Conservation / Tourism: Fly Fishing, Trekking and  Climbing /  Vacation Property

Recreational Opportunities: Fundo Burlaeo is an ideal property for the development of  a conservation project that incorporates outdoor activities. Rock climbing routes abound on the gigantic granite rock walls that enclose the Correntoso River, for more than 20 km on both sides of the Valley. The property also has great sport-fishing potential as the waters of Lago Yelcho lie just a short distance from the Fundo.

Conservation Value: Fundo Buraleo is located at the center of the Correntoso Valley with small sectors of natural grasslands, surrounded by gorges and hills that serve as natural boundaries to protect the untouched native virgin forests that lie within. Fundo Buraleo’s old-growth forests include  species such as: Coihue, Tetrando, Mañio, Luma, Arrayane, Tineo, Hazel, Olivillo and in lesser quantity Cipres de las Guaitecas. In the higher regions surrounding the Fundo there are forests of Lenga and Ñirres. As a result the fauna on the property is extraordinary as well, with species like Puma, Pudu, Zorro, Huemul, Huillines, Condors, Caiquenes, and Wild Javali. The property has several pure and crystalline river tributaries, numerous streams, waterfalls, lagoons, wetlands and glaciers.

More Information: For more detailed information about this property or Sur Terra’s other properties for sale and professional real estate services, please contact us by telephone or use the contact form provided on this web-page.

Fundo Buraleo Article - Patagon Journal Magazine


Sale Price: $ 3,000,000.00 USD

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