General Information
Property Location: Playa Maqui, Frutillar, X Region, CHILE.
Surface Area: 12,000 M2.
Property Access: Paved access route (Ruta Interlagos).
Rural sector called Playa Maqui, located in Frutillar Bajo at 4000m from the Costanera. It is mainly made up of agro-residential plots with few houses (high level), a growing sector. There is nearby equipment of local scale, hotels, residential, schools, banks, minor commerce (4200m). The rest of the equipment is located in the city center at approximately 7000 meters.
Property Location
Property Overview
Irregularly shaped plot with 5,000m2 approx. with flat topography and 7,000m2 approx. with steep slope. Plot with high arborization with native species, and an estuary on the edge of the western delimitation, which results in a lagoon in the sector of the southern boundary where it also has a view of Lake Llanquihue, has a topography with a steep slope in the east – west direction , with a smaller sector of plain, where the property is accessed, has perimeter closure with wooden pillars and mesh. It does not present urbanization, Paved access route (Ruta Interlagos).