General Information
Property Location: Yelcho River / El Amarillo Sector / Chaitén / Lakes Region / Region X / Chile.
Surface Area: 1 Hectare. (~2.5 acres)
Property Access: South of Chaiten along the Carretera Austral (Ruta 7) for about 22 km until you reach the junction of a secondary (or neighborhood road) in the Sector El Avión. The property is accessed by this unpaved road; travel a distance of approximately 5.8 km until you come to a parking area. Afterwards, you must continue on a dirt road for about 2.25 km to reach the property.
Property Location
Property Overview
Topological Overview: The sector where the property is located, the Yelcho River Valley, is a valley of glacial origin. The geomorphology of the land was created by the opposition of mountain building uplift forces and slow, but constant glacial erosive forces over the past 10 to 11 thousand years. These created the hallmark “U-shaped” valleys of the region, where severed tributary valleys hang like tongues from the mountain ranges in the low areas, producing numerous side-canyon waterfalls and “hanging glaciers” at higher elevations.
As a result, the property itself offers an extraordinary view of the Yelcho River Valley and its surrounding mountains, nearby glaciers and snow-capped volcanoes.
Infrastructure: None.
Real Estate Classification: Conservation / Tourism: Fly Fishing – Sea Kayaking / Vacation Property / Second Home
Recreation: The fishing experience in the Yelcho River and Yelcho Lake is considered today as one of the best in Chilean Patagonia. The property itself has a shoreline of approximately 104 meters and can serve as an embarkation or debarkation point for sport fishing excursions above and below the property.
Conservation: As the terrain around the property is difficult to access, due to the prolific vegetative undergrowth, that Charles Darwin once dubbed, “The Green Desert”, the property has retained much of its original old-growth canopy. The forest surrounding the property is evergreen, of the Valdivian rain forest type, which is dominated by the Coihue species, in association with Tepa, Mañio, Luma and Tiaca in lesser amounts. In the flatter, wetland areas, Ciprés de las Guaitecas predominate.
More Information: For more detailed information about this property or Sur Terra’s other properties for sale and professional real estate services, please contact us by telephone or use the contact form provided on this web-page.